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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

death is nothing more than changing houses.

Certainly there is rebirth;

but for me it is not a doctrine, it is an experience.

And I don’t want to make it a doctrine for others either.

Doctrines have badly undermined the truth.

I want every person to know it for themselves.

Nobody can perform this act for the other.

But, through doctrines,

it is this very act that appears to have been accomplished,

thus everybody’s individual search

has become dull and dead.

Believing in the doctrines and scriptures

one has sat down quietly,

as if one has neither to know anything for oneself,

nor has to do anything about finding the truth.

This situation is utterly suicidal.

Hence, I don’t want to participate

in this vast scale arrangement

for killing man through the repetition of doctrines.

I want to displace all the established doctrines,

because this alone seems compassionate to me.

This way, all that is untrue will be destroyed.

And the truth is never destroyed,

it is ever available in its eternal freshness

to those who seek.

52. Love.

I received your letter.

I am always with you.

Don’t be worried,

don’t be sad,

and leave your sadhana in the hands of God.

Let his will be done.

Be like a dry leaf,

let the winds take you where they will.

Isn’t this what is meant by shunya (nothingness)?

Do not swim,

just float.

Isn’t this what is meant by shunya?

My regards to all.


53. Love.

Your letter has come.

Love has not to be asked for –

it is never obtained by asking.

Love comes through giving –

it is our own echo.

You feel my love pouring on you

because you have become a river of love

flowing towards me,

and when your love flows like this towards all