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Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Вживання часів
Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Вживання часів
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Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Вживання часів

1. Nina (not to sleep) now. 2. They (to play) in the room now? 3. They (to be) good dancers but they (not to go) to discos very often. 4. You (to work) in an office? 5. I (to believe) in myself at the moment. 6. I (to be) sad. That (to be) why I (to cry). 7. Everybody (to have) a good time now? Everybody (to have) a good time every Saturday? 8. Where John (to live)? – He (to live) in England. 9. He (to help) his mother every day. 10. What she (to talk) about right now? 11. Your father (to work) in this factory? 12. He (to dislike) walking, he (to like) jogging. 13. She (to take) medicine now? How often she (to take) medicine? 14. My friends from Switzerland (to speak four languages. 15. Who (to listen) to music on his personal stereo over there right now?

Вправа 13

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Present Continuous або у Present Simple.

1. He (to help) his mother every day? 2. You (to play) chess now? 3. Where they (to go) now? Where they (to go) on Sunday? 4. Elvire (to speak) English, German and French? – Yes, she …. 5. He (not to help) his mother every day. 6. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer. 7. They (to speak) English now? What language they usually (to speak)? 8. She only (not to speak) Italian. 9. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 10. How is your brother? – He is not well yet, but his health (to improve) day after day. 11. She (to work) in a shop now? 12. Listen! Who (to play) the piano in the next room? 13. He (to deliver) furniture now? 14. Henry usually (to wear) glasses and now he (to wear) sunglasses. 15. You (to go) to the opera with your friends? Who (to be) your favourite opera singer?

Вправа 14

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Present Continuous або у Present Simple.

One Sunday Agnes and her mother went to the zoo. The girl was very excited. She was interested in everything she saw. “Mother, look,” she said. “There (to be) a monkey in this cage. It (to eat) an apple. Now it (to give) a bite to another monkey. I (to think) monkeys (to like) apples very much.” “Yes, dear,” said her mother. “Now I (to want) to go and see the lions and tigers. Where they (to live), mother?” “In that big house over there. Come along.” Agnes enjoyed the lion’s house a lot. “Mother,” she said, “the tiger (to want) a drink: it (to go) to the dish of water there in the corner. And the lion (to look) right at me. You (to think) it (to want) to eat me up? When the lions and tigers (to have) their dinner, mother?” “The keepers (to bring) them large pieces of meat every day at four o’clock. And they (to make) a lot of noise before their dinner time, so everybody (to know) they (to be) hungry.”

Рiзниця мiж The Past Simple i The Past Continuous

1. Past Continuous використовуеться для опису процесу в певний момент в минулому, а Past Simple – для опису закiнченоi дii в минулому.

When I looked out of the window, I saw that a stranger was walking in our street. – Коли я виглянув з вiкна, я побачив, що незнайомець прогулювався по нашiй вулицi. (процес у певний момент у минулому)

Did you see a stranger who walked in our street? – Ти бачив незнайомця, який пройшов по нашiй вулицi? (закiнчена дiя)

2. Past Continuous, на вiдмiну вiд Past Simple, не використовуеться з дiесловами стану (stative verbs).

 knew him for several years. – Я знав його кiлька рокiв.

Звернiть увагу на наступнi речення:

When mother came home, I was reading.

came – одноразова дiя (прийшла) – Past Simple

was reading – дiя в процесi (читав) – Past Continuous

When mother was reading, I came home.

was reading – дiя в процесi (читала) – Past Continuous

came – одноразова дiя (прийшов) – Past Simple

Father was reading at 7 o’clock yesterday. – дiя в процесi – Past Continuous

Father came home at 7 o’clock yesterday. – одноразова дiя – Past Simple

Вправа 15

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to play) computer games yesterday. 3. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). 4. The girl (to cook) dinner when the lights (to go) out. She (to burn) herself. 5. I (to go) to the theatre yesterday. 6. Father (to watch) TV at ten o’clock yesterday. 7. Last Sunday we (to go) skiing in the country. There (to be) already a lot of snow in the fields and we (to enjoy) ourselves. We (to ski) for two hours and a half. 8. The cat (to take) a piece of fish and then (to run) away. 9. I (to wash) the dishes after dinner. 10. I (to feed) my cat with fish yesterday. 11. I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday. 12. I (to play) computer games at five o’clock yesterday. 13. When Nick (to come) home, his brother (to play) with his toys. 14. The boy (to hurt) himself while he (to skate).

Вправа 16

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. At seven o’clock yesterday I (to go) to the theatre. 2. I (to go) to bed at nine o’clock yesterday. 3. They (to meet) at the station two hours ago. 4. He (to read) a newspaper when I (to come) in. 5. I (to wash) the dishes from six till seven yesterday. 6. What you (to do) at four o’clock yesterday? – I (to feed) my cat. 7. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 8. He (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday. 9. When mother (to come) home, I (to do) my homework. 10. When the woman (to enter) the room, the children (to feed) the goldfish. 11. What you (to do) at 5 o’clock yesterday? – I (to play) the piano. 12. I (to finish) my homework at nine o’clock yesterday. 13. Where you (to spend) last Sunday? 14. Yesterday I (to get) up at eight o’clock.

Вправа 17

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. She (to finish) cooking at four o’clock yesterday. 2. What your brother (to do) yesterday? – He (to play) computer games. 3. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5. When father (to come) home, Pete (to sleep). 6. When I (to visit) my friends in Denmark, I (to buy) two presents for my family. 7. When I (to come) to school, the children (to stand) near the classroom. 8. I (to play) the piano at five o’clock yesterday. 9. We (to be) in a hurry because only twenty minutes (to be) left before the beginning of the performance. 10. The train (to start) at fifteen minutes to ten. 11. At half past four yesterday we (to have) dinner. 12. I (to begin) repairing my camera at six o’clock yesterday. 13. I (to do) my homework when mother came home. 14. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday.

Вправа 18

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. When mother (to come) home, the children (to play) on the carpet. 2. When it (to start) raining, we (to swim) in the river. 3. We (to play) in the yard the whole evening yesterday. 4. He (to begin) to do his homework at four o’clock yesterday. 5. I (to play) the violin when my friend (to come) in. He (to invite) me to the theatre and I (to accept) the invitation with pleasure. 6. He (to put) on his coat and cap, (to open) the door and (to go) out. 7. We (to work) the whole morning yesterday. 8. At five o’clock yesterday Helen (to cook) soup. 9. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 10. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening. 11. When I (to get) up, my mother and father (to drink) tea. 12. Yesterday at one o’clock I (to have) lunch at the canteen. 13. When I (to prepare) breakfast in the morning, I (to cut) my finger. 14. She (to play) the flute at four o’clock yesterday.

Вправа 19

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. He (to ring) up his friend and (to ask) him about the homework. 2. At this time yesterday I (to watch) a play by Chekhov at the theatre. 3. Mother (to cook) dinner at three o’clock yesterday. 4. What you (to do) when your sister (to come) home yesterday? 5. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 6. When I came into the kitchen, mother (to cook). 7. When I (to come) to my friend’s place, he (to watch) TV. 8. When he (to come) in, I (to do) my exercises. 9. Last year I (to go) to the United States. 10. I (to meet) Nick at three o’clock yesterday. 11. When I (to come) to the theatre, my friend already (to wait) for me. 12. He (to come) back to Toronto on the 15th of January. 13. They (to go) to the wood last Sunday? 14. You (to have) supper at nine o’clock yesterday?

Вправа 20

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. I (to do) my homework at six o’clock yesterday. 2. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday. 3. When I (to see) my friends, they (to play) football. 4. What you (to do) at eight o’clock yesterday? 5. You (to go) to Great Britain last year? – No, I (to go) to France. 6. When I (to come) home, Kate (to play) the piano. 7. When I (to go) to the dentist’s, I (to brеak) my arm. 8. I (to go) to the institute when I (to see) him. 9. When they (to sail) down the river, they (to see) a little island. 10. He (not to go) to the shop yesterday. 11. I (not to play) the piano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend. 12. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday. 13. When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. 14. At this time yesterday I (to go) home.

Вправа 21

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. What you (to do) yesterday? – I (to translate) a very long article. 2. When I (to meet) John, he (to go) to the railway station. 3. When the teacher (to walk) into the classroom, the boys (to listen) to pop music and the girls (to eat) chips and (to drink) lemonade. 4. At this time yesterday we (to have) dinner. 5. They (to translate) a difficult text yesterday. 6. Nick (to go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. 7. I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. I (to read) a book. 8. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday. 9. When Kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir tree. 10. You (to sleep) when I (to go) out. 11. When I (to ring) up my friend, he (to sleep). 12. When I (to go) to the museum, I (to see) a big crowd of people in the street. 13. She (to go) to the bank when I (to meet) her. She (not to go) to the doctor. 14. He (to write) a letter when I (to come) in.

Вправа 22

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. I (to open) the window at six o’clock yesterday. 2. Rick (to sleep) at eleven o’clock yesterday. 3. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework. 4. You (to do) your homework yesterday? 5. When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall). 6. He (to read) on the sofa when I (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him. 7. While my grandfather (to watch) TV, he (to fall) asleep. 8. They (to play) in the yard in the evening yesterday. 9. What you (to do) when the accident (to happen)? – I (to walk) out of the hospital. 10. He (to make) a report when I (to leave) the meeting. 11. You (to go) to the cinema yesterday? 12. When we (to play) in the yard yesterday, it suddenly (to start) raining heavily. 13. When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh), too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much. 14. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday?

Вправа 23

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. When I (to go) to school, I (to meet) my friend. 2. I (to walk) along the street with my friend when a tram (to pass). 3. When my friend (to come) to see me, I (to do) my homework. 4. They (to play) in the yard the whole evening yesterday. 5. He (to leave) the bank, when the thieves (to take) his money. 6. Yesterday he (to write) a letter to his friend. 7. I (not to see) Mike last week. 8. I (to see) Mike when he (to cross) the street. 9. When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the woods one day. In the woods I (to find) a little fox cub. It could not run. It (to injure) its leg. I (to decide) to help the cub. I (to bring) it home. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to do) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite well. It (to leave) my house. It lives in the woods again. 10. Why she (to sleep) at seven o’clock yesterday? 11. When we (to go) to the cinema, we (to meet) grandmother. 12. She (to look) out of the window when I (to see) her. 13. When I (to go) to the stadium, I (to meet) Kate and Ann. 14. I (to clean) my teeth at eight o’clock in the morning yesterday.