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Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Вживання часів
Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Вживання часів
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Англійська мова. Теорія і практика. Вживання часів

1. Alex (to meet) his friend two hours ago. 2. When you (to see) him last? 3. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 4. How many times you (to be) to Toronto? 5. You (to make) any spelling mistakes in your dictation? 6. I just (to meet) our teacher. 7. I (not to see) him for ages. 8. He just (to come) home. 9. At last I (to translate) this article: now I will have a little rest. 10. What books you (to read) when you (to live) in the country? 11. The children already (to decide) what to do with the books. 12. His health (to improve) greatly since I (to see) him last. 13. He (to come) home a minute ago.

Вправа 36

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Present Perfect або Past Simple.

1. We (to go) to the country yesterday, but the rain (to spoil) all the pleasure. 2. They (not yet to come) from the south. 3. Yesterday they (to decide) to help their grandmother. 4. You (to pass) your driving test yet? – Yes, I (to pass) it in May, but I (not to buy) a car yet. 5. Nick (to play) football yesterday. 6. My watch was going in the morning, but now it (to stop). 7. He (to be) ill last week, but now he (to recover). 8. I (not to see) you for a long time. I (to see) you in town two or three days ago, but you (not to see) me. I (to be) on a bus. 9. He already (to move). He (to find) a nice flat last Christmas and he (to be) there a year already. 10. She already (to come) from school. Now she is doing her homework. 11. The lecture (not yet to begin) and the students are talking in the classroom. 12. If everybody (to read) this new novel, let’s discuss it. 13. I (to read) this book last year.

Вправа 37

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Present Perfect або Past Simple.

1. You (to book) tickets? – Yes, I …. I (to book) them several days ago. 2. I (to read) this book this year. 3. I can hardly recognize you. I (not to see) you since you (to leave) for Toronto. And you (to change) so much. 4. I never (to be) to Washington. 5. You (to read) all the books on this shelf? 6. You ever (to be) to New York? 7. I (not to see) my cousin since last year. 8. I don’t think you ever (to see) Niagara Falls. 9. Why you (to put) these things in the wrong place? 10. I (to invite) Linda to the party. – When you (to see) her? – I (not to see) her for ages. I (to call) her an hour ago. 11. Why you (to leave) the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught. 12. “We (not to meet) for such a long time!” said my friend. “Yes, indeed,” I answered, “and we both (to grow).”

Рiзниця мiж The Past Simple i The Past Perfect

Past Simple використовуеться, коли дii вiдбуваються в хронологiчному порядку, а Past Perfect – коли потрiбно показати, яка дiя вiдбулося першою, ранiше iнших дiй.

He started the car, turned the radio on and fastened the seat belt. – Вiн завiв машину, включив радiо i пристебнув ремiнь безпеки.

Дii описуються в хронологiчному порядку: спочатку вiн завiв машину, потiм включив радiо i пристебнув ремiнь безпеки.

He started the car, turned the radio on, but before he had fastened the seat belt. – Вiн завiв машину, включив радiо, але перед цим пристебнув ремiнь безпеки.

Дii описуються не в хронологiчному порядку: спочатку вiн пристебнув ремiнь безпеки, а потiм завiв машину i включив радiо.

Часто в подiбних реченнях використовуеться слово when (коли).

When I got home, my son took my car. – Коли я прийшов додому, мiй син взяв у мене машину.

When I got home, I found that my son had taken my car. – Коли я прийшов додому, я виявив, що мiй син взяв мою машину.

Якщо з контексту зрозумiло, що одна дiя вiдбулася ранiше iншоi, можна використовувати як Past Perfect, так i Past Simple. Часто зрозумiти контекст i черговiсть подiй допомагають наступнi слова-маркери: before (перед тим як, до того як), after (пiсля того як), first (спершу, спочатку), as soon as (вiдразу пiсля того як; як тiльки), earlier (ранiше) i iншi.

I didn’t worry about speaking in front of so many people. I gave public speeches earlier. – Я не переживав щодо виступу перед великою кiлькiстю людей. Я i ранiше виступав на публiцi.

I didn’t worry about speaking in front of so many people. I had given public speeches earlier. – Я не переживав щодо виступу перед великою кiлькiстю людей. Я i ранiше виступав на публiцi.

Вправа 38

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Perfect.

1. When the police … (to arrive), we already … (to catch) the thief. 2. Tom (to return) from the cinema at five o’clock. 3. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students. 4. Jack … (to finish) the test before the bell … (to ring). 5. Tom (to return) from the cinema by five o’clock. 6. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home. 7. When Anna … (to come) to say good-night, her children already … (to fall) asleep. 8. I (to finish) my homework at seven o’clock. 9. My friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the exams successfully. 10. Scott already … (to prepare) the dinner when her husband … (to get) home from work. 11. I (to finish) my homework by seven o’clock. 12. Poor Oliver (to lie) unconscious on the spot where Sikes (to leave) him. 13. When Brad and Susan … (to get) married, they … (to know) each other for 3 years. 14. He (to think) that he (to lose) the money. 15. Mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner.

Вправа 39

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Perfect.

1. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him. 2. She … (not to enjoy) the film because she … (to read) the book before. 3. Ann (to tell) me that she (to see) an interesting film. 4. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a great deal in his life. 5. Our apartment … (to be) in a mess because I … (to have) a birthday party the night before. 6. When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner. 7. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home. 8. We … (not to go) to a restaurant because we … (to spend) all our money on clothes. 9. When father (to return) from work, we already (to do) our homework. 10. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood. 11. Mary … (can’t go skating) after she … (to break) her leg. 12. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils already (to open) their books. 13. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin). 14. Larry … (to be) late because he … (to get) stuck in a traffic jam. 15. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before. 16. Yesterday I (to find) the book which I (to lose) in summer.

Вправа 40

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дiеслова у Past Simple або Past Perfect.

1. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandfather. 2. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw). 3. Where you (to work) before you (to go) to university? 4. The boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field. 5. He (to know) French before he (to visit) France. 6. Mother (to see) that Nick (not to wash) his hands. 7. Lanny (to say) that he (to get) his education in Cape Town. 8. The teacher (to understand) that Lena (not to do) her homework. 9. The boy (to want) to act the main part in the play because he (to organize) the theatre. 10. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to come). 11. Lanny (not to know) who (to attack) him in the darkness. 12. When I (to wake) up yesterday, father already (to go) to work. 13. The girl (to be) glad that she (to find) a seat near the window. 14. Nick (to think) that his father (not yet to come) home. 15. Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up in the morning. 16. When we (to come) to the station, the train already (to leave).

Рiзниця мiж The Present Perfect i The Past Perfect

Present Perfect використовують для опису дii, яка завершилася до теперiшнього моменту, в той час як Past Perfect – для дii, яка почалася i завершилася до певного моменту в минулому.

Основнi слова-маркери Past Perfect i Present Perfect: already (вже), just (тiльки що), since (з), yet (вже; ще не), ever (коли-небудь), for (на протягом).

He has already left, but you can call him and ask to wait for you. – Вiн уже пiшов, але ти можеш йому зателефонувати i попросити почекати тебе. – Present Perfect – (дiя завершилася до певного моменту в сьогоденнi)

When I called the police, the thief had already gone. – Коли я подзвонив в полiцiю, злодiй вже втiк. – Past Perfect – (дiя завершилася до певного моменту в минулому)

I haven’t finished cooking yet. Can you, please, wait a bit? – Я ще не закiнчила готувати вечерю. Можеш, будь ласка, трохи почекати? – Present Perfect – (дiя завершилася до певного моменту в сьогоденнi)

I hadn’t finished cooking dinner yet so he ate a sandwich. – Вiн прийшов додому дуже рано вчора. Я ще не закiнчила готувати вечерю, тому вiн з'iв сендвiч. – Past Perfect – (дiя завершилася до певного моменту в минулому)

We have been married for 20 years, and now he wants to get divorced. – Ми одруженi 20 рокiв, i тепер вiн хоче розлучитися. – Present Perfect – (дiя завершилася до певного моменту в сьогоденнi)

We had been married for 20 years and got divorced in 2018. – Ми були одруженi 20 рокiв i розлучилися в 2018. – Past Perfect – (дiя завершилася до певного моменту в минулому)

Рiзниця мiж The Future Perfect, The Future Simple i The Future Continuous

Future Simple – щось станеться в майбутньому – говоримо про це як про факт, без акценту на тривалостi або завершеностi дii.

I will buy tickets for the concert tomorrow. – Я куплю квитки на концерт завтра.

He will talk to his boss as soon as he can. – Вiн поговорить з босом, як тiльки зможе.

Future Continuous – дiя почнеться в майбутньому i триватиме якийсь час – акцент на тривалостi цiеi дii.

I will be going home from work this time. – У цей час я йтиму з роботи додому.

I will be waiting for you. – Я буду тебе чекати.

Future Perfect – дiя завершиться до певного моменту в майбутньому – акцент на результатi цiеi дii.

They will have finished the project before the deadline. – Вони закiнчать проект в строк.

We will have been best friends for 30 years by then. – На той час ми будемо друзями вже 30 рокiв.

Рiзниця мiж The Present Perfect Continuous i The Present Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous – дiя почалася якийсь час назад, тривала i все ще тривае.

She has been playing volleyball since childhood. – Вона грае у волейбол з дитинства. Вона справжнiй професiонал.