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[0127] American Woman's Council of Justice (Saint Louis, Missouri). Publications, 1924-1927, A1615
Location: Missouri History Museum Archives, Library and Research Center, 225 South Skinker Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63105-2317
Description: Political organization of Missouri women concerned with legislative matters, generally opposed to increasing the role of the federal government in traditionally state matters. Headquarters were located in St. Louis. Emilie M. Sweeney was president in the mid-1920s. Collection consists of printed matter relating largely to the organization's position on legislative matters. Collection includes booklet titled "Do Bolshevists 'Use' our Women's Clubs?" (Dearborn Independent, March 15, 1924) [charging that women's peace societies were acting as fronts for the Communists]; constitutional ballot guide, booklet regarding the federalizing of education, 1926; fliers opposing nuisance tax, the anti-evolution bill, and federal child labor amendment, 1927; card advocating the repeal of prohibition, voter registration flier, membership promotion, no date.
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[0127a] American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982 Collection, 1944-1994 (bulk 1963-1982), PRA.RS.001 [audio recordings], Pacifica Radio Archives, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd., West, North Hollywood, CA 91604
The American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982 collection includes 2,024 reel-to-reel tapes and 2,024 WAV files preserved as part of the Pacifica Radio Archives' 2013-2016 "American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982" ("American Women") preservation project. Series 1: KPFA American Women's Recordings, bulk 1963-1982, contains copies of recordings of Pro-life council / produced by Portia Shapiro and Fran Watkins. 5238_P01 KPFA, December 11, 1971 (excerpts of the press conference held by the Pro-Life Council, an umbrella organization of anti-abortion groups in California, on October 12th, 1971, in San Francisco, and an interview about the Pro-Life movement with two members of the Council, Dr. Frank Filice and Marie de Pizzol, conducted a week later at KPFA by Fran Watkins and Portia Shapiro); Abortion on demand: a debate 16434_P01_02 KPFA, January 7, 1972 (recordings of Dr. Frank Filice, a biologist at the University of San Francisco and Marge Szudy, a psychology student at USF, who argued against abortion); The war against choice / Deirdre English interviewed by Adam Hochschild 1561_P01 KPFA, February 23, 1981 (Deirdre English on the 1980 Convention of the National Right to Life Committee in Anaheim, California, which she attended. Interview conducted by Adam Hochschild. Both Deirdre English and Adam Hochschild were editors at Mother Jones magazine, and this interview was conducted after the publication of English's article in the magazine entitled "The War Against Choice: Inside The Anti-Abortion Movement" (Mother Jones 6.11 (Feb./Mar. 1981): 16-32). Produced by Buster Gonzales); A Feminist critique of anti-feminism / produced by Peggy Irene Bray and Julia Randall. 1759_P01 KPFA, March 7, 1982 (Phyllis Schlafly, anti-abortion activist Nellie Gray, U.S. Senator Richard Schweiker (R-PA), U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), and Evangelical theologian Francis Schaeffer); and Majority report, November 18, 1982: Schlafly v. English, Olivia's 10th Birthday, Update on Silkwood, Planetary conjunction 28977_P01 KPFA, November 18, 1982 (highlights from anti-ERA activist Phyllis Schlafly and Mother Jones editor Deirdre English's debate on the role of women in San Francisco on November 17, 1982). Series 2: KPFK American Women's Recordings, bulk 1963-1982, contains copies of recordings of A mersey killing 4476_P01 KPFK, October 15, 1965 (excerpts of the Reverend David Noebel's speech on "Communism, Hypnotism and the Beatles: The Communist Use of Music" given in Walnut Creek, California) and Minority reaction to the Briggs initiative / produced by Helene Rosenbluth 7583_P01 KPFK, August 1, 1978 (interviews with black and Jewish representatives of groups who were fighting the anti-gay Briggs Initiative, which would have prohibited hiring and required the dismissal of any teacher who engaged in homosexual activity or advocated for gay civil rights). Series 4: WBAI American Women's Recordings, bulk 1963-1982, contains copies of recordings of Debate on the Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.) 29224_P01_02 WBAI, 1975-04-06 (a debate on the Equal Rights Amendment between Karen DeCrow, President of N.O.W. and Phyllis Schlafly, leader of "Stop E.R.A.," held before a meeting of the American Women in Radio and T.V. on March 27, 1975) and Stop E.R.A.: Meg Katz interviewed by Bonnie Bellow 29116_P01 WBAI, 1975-11-02 (Bonnie Bellow interviews Meg Katz of "Stop E.R.A.," one of the groups opposed to the passage of New York's Equal Rights Amendment).
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[0127b] Americana Pamphlet Collection Part A, 1791-1992 (bulk 1800-1900), SpCo003 [pamphlet collection]
Location: Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, Ohio University, 30 Park Place, Athens, OH 45701
Description: The collection contains 484 pamphlets, including copies of Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, on Calhoun's Amendment, by Thomas Hart Benton (1837); Address of the Hon. John C. Calhoun . . . on the Subject of Slavery (1850); Address of the Hon. John C. Calhoun, in the Senate (1850); and Speech of Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota.
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[0127c] Americana Pamphlet Collection Part B, 1791-1992 (bulk 1800-1900), SpCo004 [pamphlet collection]
Location: Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, Ohio University, 30 Park Place, Athens, OH 45701
Description: The collection contains 485 pamphlets, including copies of The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, by Alfred E. Giles (1881); The Beneficent Effects of Silver Money, by Alex Del Mar (1897); Plain Issues of the War, by Elihu Root (1917); The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy, by Edgar Grant Sisson (1918); Address to Visiting Delegation of Labor Men at the White House, Labor Day, 1924, by Calvin Coolidge (1924); Our Ship of State, by Nicholas Murray Butler (1933); and Speech of Hon. Samuel Dickstein of New York in the House of Representatives.
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[0127d] Americans for Constitutional Action Records, 1955-1971, Mss 309
Location: Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division, 816 State St., Madison, WI 53706-1417
Description: Americans for Constitutional Action was a non-partisan political action committee founded in 1958 for support of constitutional conservatives in congressional elections. Documents include trustee minutes and correspondence, fundraising and financial records, campaign and chapter files, speeches, pamphlets, and annual reports. The series Board of Trustees Records, 1958-1969. [Subseries]. Chairman Ben Moreell's Correspondence, 1958-1969, contains correspondence with Bruce Alger, E. Robert Anderson, Cooper Benedict, J. H. Bottum, Jr., Anthony T. Bouscaren, Walter T. Brennan, Howard Buffett, Clarence B. Carson, Mrs. Louis B. Cole, James C. Davis, Charles A. Edison, Edgar Eisenhower, Bonner Fellers, Edward Foremen, Patrick Frawley, Ralph Gwinn, A. Sydney Herlong, Charles B. Hoeven, T. Robert Ingram, August E. Johansen, Robert W. Johnson, Allen B. Kline, William Loeb, Philip McKenna, Walter B. Martin, D. L. Mechem, Felix Morley, Thomas Parker, John R. Pillion, H. W. Prentice, James E. Price, Max Rafferty, Katherine St. George, Gordon Scherer, Henry C. Schadeberg, Ralph de Toledano, William Tuck, John Wayne, Charles E. Whittaker, Steven B. Wilson, and Loyd Wright. Other subseries contain Secretary Owen Brewster's correspondence and Trustee Ralph Gwinn's correspondence. The series Executive Director's Records contains correspondence with Cooper Benedict, J. H. Bottum, Owen Brewster, Mrs. Louis B. Cole, Ralph Gwinn, Herbert Hoover, August E. Johansen, Robert W. Johnson, Allan B. Kline, Frank B. Kovac, Walter Martin, M.D., Ben Moreell, Felix Morley, Henry C. Schadeberg, Mrs. R. Templeton Smith, John J. Synon, and Ralph de Toledano. The series Publications contains copies of Digest and Tally of Roll Call Votes, Right Action, and Ratings of Congressmen. The series Speeches contains files on Ralph Gwinn, Thomas A. Lane, Ben Moreell, and Chester Ward. The series Subject Files contains files on Connally Amendment; Response to Charges of Extremism; Khrushchev's visit; Thomas A. Lane; Charles McManus; Charles McC. Mathias; Ben Moreell; Report on National Committee for an Effective Congress; Jessica Payne; and Report on United Republicans of America.
Menzi L. Behrnd-Klodt and Carolyn J. Mattern, Social Action Collections at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin: A Guide (Madison: The Society, 1983).
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[0128] Americans for Democratic Action Records, 1932-1965, Mss 3; Micro 854
Location: Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division, 816 State St., Madison, WI 53706-1417
Description: Records of the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), founded in 1947 as a national, independent, liberal organization, and of its predecessor, the Union for Democratic Action, founded in 1941 to combat fascism at home and abroad. Included are correspondence, minutes, reports, membership and financial records, press releases, clippings, and mimeographed and printed materials documenting the organizations' activities. Series 1: Union for Democratic Action Administrative File, 1932, 1935, 1940-1947, 1950, 1951, contains files on Senator Theodore Bilbo; Bretton Woods; Dies Committee; Dumbarton Oaks; Fight for Freedom Inc.; Prof. Friedrich A. Hayek; Frank Kingdon and Robert A. Taft Debate, 1942 July; and Charles A. Lindbergh, Des Moines, Iowa, speech, 1941 September. Series 2: Administrative File, 1946-1965, contains files on Civil Rights; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Douglas MacArthur; Marshall Plan, ERP; Metropolitan government, conference on, 1958;, Westbrook Pegler; Quemoy-Matsu petition, 1955 April-May; Taft-Hartley Act; and United World Federalists. Series 5: Legislative File, 1946-1964, contains files on Brannan Plan, 1950-1952; Bricker Amendment; Civil Rights: Desegregation, School Desegregation, Equal Rights Amendment, Southern Regional Conference on Integration; Civil Rights Bills, 1963-1964; Communism; Communist Party and Fronts; Foundations, Tax-Exempt; House Un-American Activities Committee; Loyalty; Joseph McCarthy; Marshall Plan; Harvey Matusow; Poll Tax; Right Wing; Fulton Lewis, Jr.; School Prayer; Supreme Court; Taft-Hartley; World Court - Connally Amendment; Yalta Conference; and Metropolitan Government - Conference, correspondence, 1957 November-1959 January. Series 7: Public Relations File, 1936, 1946-1965, contains files on Communism, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Facts Forum, Fund for the Republic, Barry Goldwater, Marshall Plan, Joseph McCarthy, National Planning Association, and Right Wing Materials: Americans for Constitutional Action; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; John Birch Society; and Young Americans for Freedom. Series 8: Campus Division File, 1939-1965, contains files on Communism, House Un-American Activities Committee, Joseph McCarthy, United World Federalists, Civil Rights, and Young Americans for Freedom.
Menzi L. Behrnd-Klodt and Carolyn J. Mattern, Social Action Collections at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin: A Guide (Madison: The Society, 1983).
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Finding aids:;cc=wiarchives;q1=right%20wing;rgn
[0129] Americans for the Preservation of the White Race (Jackson, MS Chapter) Collection, 1964-1966, MUM00009
Location: Department of Archives and Special Collections, J.D. Williams Library, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848
Description: Collection consists of documents and minutes related to the Jackson, Mississippi, chapter of Americans for the Preservation of the White Race (APWR), a white supremacist organization, created from 1964-1966. Includes a booklet, The White Patriot (published by the Americans for the Preservation of the White Race in Jackson, MS). Mentions Governor Ross Barnett, Citizens Council meeting in Louisiana, Sen. Eastland, Dr. Edward R. Fields, Benjamin Freedman, KKK, Gerald L.K. Smith, and Dr. Swift.
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[0130] Americans United Subject Files, 1953-2010, MS#1555
Location: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Butler Library, 6th Floor, Columbia University, 535 West 114th St., New York, NY 10027
Description: Americans United for Separation of Church and State, founded in 1947, is a non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to church-state separation. The Americans United Subject files are approximately 44 linear feet of secondary research material relating to the religious right and religion in government and schools. Over 300 organizations are represented, with most of the material consisting of clippings, mass mailings, and newsletters. The collection consists of the research and subject files of Americans United, a non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to church-state separation. Almost all of the 44 linear feet of research files relate to organizations associated with the religious right. Over 300 organizations and individuals are represented, as well as some materials filed by topic. Among the files are those on 700 Club, Acton Institute, Alliance Defense Fund, Alliance for Marriage, American Center for Law and Justice, American Legislative Exchange Council, American Life League, American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, Army of God, Gary Bauer, William Bennett, Samuel Blumenfeld, Pat Buchanan, Campus Crusade, Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, Catholic Right Wing, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Chalcedon Foundation, Christian Coalition, Christian Defense Fund, Christian Family Association, Citizens for God and Country, Citizens for Honest Government, Claremont Institute, Charles Colson, Concerned Women for America, Cops for Christ, Council for National Policy, Council of Conservative Citizens, The Dan Smoot Report, Daughters of the American Revolution, DeMoss Foundation, James C. Dobson, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Jerry Falwell, Family Research Council, Michael Farris, First Things, Focus on the Family (Citizen, Citizen Issues Alert, CitizenLink, Pastor's Weekly Briefing, Prayer Lines-National Day of Prayer, Teachers in Focus), Samuel Francis, Freedom Club, Newt Gingrich, Bishop Rene Gracida, Franklin Graham, Gun Owners of America, Rev. John Hagee, Billy James Hargis, Heritage Foundation, Steve Hotze, Human Life International, Institute for Basic Life Principles, Intercessors for America, John Birch Society, Judicial Watch, D. James Kennedy, Liberty Lobby, LifeLine, Rush Limbaugh, Living Truth Ministries, Thomas Monaghan, Sun Myung Moon, Moral Majority, National Youth Alliance, National Committee Against the UN Takeover, Richard John Neuhaus, New Right, New England Rally for God, Family, and Country, Oliver North, Parents Television Council, Population Research Institute, Priests for Life, Promise Keepers, Radical Right, Ralph Reed, Regent University, Religious Right, Right Wing Jews, Right Wing Women, Right Wing Terrorist Groups, Right Wing Blacks, Pat Robertson, Rutherford Institute, Save America Now, Paul and Robert Schenck, Phyllis Schlafly, Scriptures for America, Secular Humanism, Louis P. Sheldon, Joseph Sobran, Summit Ministries, Cal Thomas, Trinity Broadcasting Network, U.S. Justice Foundation, U.S. Taxpayers Party, Paul Weyrich, and Donald Wildmon.
Michael J. McVicar, "Constructing the American Right-Wing: Religion, Domestic Intelligence Gathering, and the Making of Conservatism in the United States. Final report on research at Columbia University's Rare Book and Manuscript Library," 2014,
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[0131] The Papers of Leopold Amery, 1858-2007, GBR/0014/AMEL
Location: Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS, United Kingdom
Description: Leopold Stennett Amery (1873-1955) was a British politician. From 1911-45, he was Unionist MP for the Sparkbrook (formerly South) Division of Birmingham. The papers consist of public and political correspondence; political papers; speeches and broadcasts; literary material (articles by Amery and correspondence and papers relating to his publications); press cuttings; photographs; material relating to Amery's extensive travels and tour of the British empire; and diaries and personal papers (including family correspondence, financial records, and material relating to Amery's interest in mountaineering). Series 1. Public and Political, 1881-1962. Subseries 5. General political, 1930s, 1887-1953. Sub-subseries 4. Letters on sanctions: A-Z, Oct 1935, consists of letters received in support of Amery's stand against sanctions being imposed on Italy by the League of Nations, following Italy's invasion of Abyssinia [later Ethiopia]. Correspondents include Ezra Pound. Sub-subseries 36. Trade files, Dec 1933-Mar 1950, includes copies of letters from Amery to correspondents including 1st Lord Hankey. Subseries 7. 1940's and post-war, 1926-1955 (bulk 1940-55). Sub-subseries 24. Bretton Woods, sterling etc., Apr 1944-May 1947, contains publications and general notes on Bretton Woods. Sub-subseries 85. Suez Canal, Jun 1951-May 1954, contains correspondence and papers on the Suez Canal Committee, with correspondents including Kenneth de Courcy; a draft letter from Amery to 1st Lord Hankey on the Committee's increasing anxiety about the Canal; and notes by Julian Amery on the importance of the Canal Zone and negotiations with Egypt. Series 2. Correspondence, 1892-1964. Subseries 1. Correspondence year files, 1906-1964 (bulk 1918-1955), contains correspondence with Julian Amery, Lieutenant-General Mark Clark, Rear-Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, 1st Lord Hankey, Christopher Hollis, Malcolm Muggeridge, Benito Mussolini, and Vilhjálmur Stefánsson. Subseries 2. Special correspondence, 1903-1955, contains correspondence with Dwight D. Eisenhower and Edward Spears. Series 8. Literary, 1895-1974, contains correspondence with 1st Lord Hankey and Julian Amery.
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[0132] Amistad Research Center vertical file
Location: Amistad Research Center, Inc., Tilton Hall, Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118
Description: The Amistad Research Center vertical file consists of an accumulation of hundreds of items, largely ephemeral in nature, in myriad formats and on topics as diverse as the people and institutions who created them. The bulk of the materials are from the 1980s onward. Formats include brochures, event programs, newspaper clippings, buttons, curricula guides, funeral programs, biographical sketches, advertisements, postcards, unpublished conference papers, calendars, genealogical reports, and postage stamps, among other formats and artifacts. Files on David Duke, institutionalized racism, and Huey P. Long - Race relations.
Finding aid:
[0133] Ulius L. Amoss papers, 1941-1964, Coll 005
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Knight Library, 2nd floor North, Mail: UO Libraries--SPC, 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: After his discharge from the army in 1946, Ulius "Pete" Louis Amoss (1895-1961) formed the International Services of Information Foundation, Incorporated (ISI), a non-profit, privately owned and operated intelligence service whose purpose was to collect and disseminate information from overseas countries. He also formed the U.L. Amoss Syndicate in 1948, which in turn invested in other corporations. In 1954, Amoss discovered the hair restoring product Grecian Formula 16; Amoss sold his stock in the formula in 1957 after discovering it had undesirable side effects. Amoss also wrote articles for magazines and gave numerous speeches promoting ISI. The papers include correspondence, manuscripts, speeches, espionage material, military material, and some printed matter. Files on National Review and Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem.
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[0133a] Michael Amrine Papers, 1933-1971 (bulk 1940-1970), GTM.760826
Location: Booth Family Center for Special Collections, Georgetown University Library, 37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057-1174
Description: Michael Amrine was a Washington, D.C.-based freelance writer and formerly the editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Correspondents include Vannevar Bush, James F. Byrnes, Whittaker Chambers (reviews of "Witness"), Barry Goldwater, Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper, and William Allen White. Files on Cold War, Communism, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Richard Nixon. Printed article and two typed manuscripts (1950) on Vision of America, a proposal by U.S. Senator Karl Mundt of South Dakota for an international television broadcast equivalent to the Voice of America.
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