A Guide to the Manuscript Collection of the Rutgers University Library. Compiled by Herbert F. Smith (New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Library, Distributed by the Rutgers University Press, 1964), p. 130,; Gregory L. Williams, "Buyer Beware: The Consumers' Research Archives at The Rutgers University Libraries," Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries, Vol. LVII, Nos. 1 and 2 (1995), pp. 25-39,
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[0669a] Silvio O. Conte Congressional Papers, 1950-1991, MS 371
Location: Special Collections & University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 154 Hicks Way, Amherst, Mass. 01003-9275
Description: Silvio O. Conte (1921-1991) was Massachusetts State Senator for the Berkshire District, 1950-1958, and representative for Massachusetts's First District in the United States Congress for 17 terms, 1959-1991. The papers reflect his anti-abortion stance while also documenting his major support for federal funding of family planning facilities. There is much correspondence from both pro-choice and anti-abortion lobbyists and family planning center administrators. Subgroup II. Legislative. Series 3. House Appropriations Committee Files. Subseries 3g-4: Interior Subcommittee, General Subject Tim Shea, 1983-1990, contains files on Abortion Issues, Global Warming, and March for Life. Subgroup II. Legislative. Series 3. House Appropriations Committee Files. Subseries h: Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittee, 1981-1990. Part 2: Health and Human Services Files (HHS), contains files on Abortion and National Right to Life Newspaper. Subgroup II. Legislative. Series 6. Legislative Subject/Correspondence Files, contains mostly constituent correspondence and the office's response on such issues as the Civil Rights movement, Communism, firearms control, abortion, the Equal Rights Amendment, and federal aid to education. Subgroup V. Office Administration. Series 1: Pat Larkin Files (Administrative Asst.), 1980-1991, contains files on Abortion.
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[0669b] Contempo Collection, 1925-1945, undated, Manuscript Collection MS-0908
Location: Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 300 West 21st Street, Austin, Texas 78712
Description: Includes letters to the Great Depression-era literary magazine Contempo (Chapel Hill, North Carolina), as well as works by its contributors, mostly addressed to editors Milton Abernethy and Anthony Buttitta. Letters (except where noted) by Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Austin Beard, Seward Collins, Max Eastman (with enclosure), Lewis Stiles Gannett, J. H. Gipson, Henry Hazlitt, Archibald Henderson, Granville Hicks, Carey McWilliams, Henry Louis Mencken, Gorham Bert Munson, Isabel Bowler Paterson, Ezra Loomis Pound (with enclosures), Edward Merrill Root, George Samuel Schuyler, Dorothy Thompson, George Sylvester Viereck, and Oswald Garrison Villard.
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[0669c] Contempo Records, 1930-1934, Collection Number: 04408 [partly digital collection]
Location: Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, 4th Floor, Wilson Library CB# 3926, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-8890
Description: This collection consists chiefly of letters from contributors or potential contributors to Contempo (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1931-1934), and typescripts of their poetry, fiction, and articles. There is also correspondence of a more routine nature, with booksellers and publishers, and a few clippings, photocopies of articles, and photographs. Series 1. Material from Contributors, 1931-1933, contains files on Donald Davidson, Max Eastman, T.S. Eliot, Havelock Ellis, H.L. Mencken, Gorham B. Munson, Ezra Pound, E. Merrill Root, and George Sylvester Viereck.
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[0670] Contemporary Culture Collection
Location: Special Collections Research Center, Samuel Paley Library (017-00), 1210 Polett Walk, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Description: Established in 1969, the Contemporary Culture Collection (CCC) is a source of primary research materials documenting social, political, economic and cultural history as it pertains to minority groups, the counterculture, and the fringe. The CCC includes small press journals, newsletters, and newspapers, books, and pamphlets as well as microfilm, sound recordings, posters, broadsides, and related ephemera. Includes materials produced by alternative, independent, and small literary publishers, political organizations of the far left and right, social reform and liberation movement organizations, alternative lifestyle and energy advocates, and radicals in the professions. There are alternative and radical left- and right-wing press ephemera and polemical writings, along with taped interviews with neo-Nazi leaders and others.
Martin J. Manning, Historical Dictionary of American Propaganda (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004), p. 355.
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[0671] Contemporary Issues Collection, 1950-1975, D-213
Location: Department of Special Collections, General Library, University of California, Davis, 100 NW Quad, Davis, California 95616-5292 [apparently transferred from California State University, Fullerton, which received it from the University of Nevada, Reno]
Description: Pamphlets, newsletters, and ephemera dealing with contemporary issues such as abortion, capital punishment, and civil rights. Files on 1st Republicans for Ronald Reagan; Alberta Social Credit League; Alert America Association; Alert North Texans (Olney, Tex.); All-American Conference to Combat Communism; Alpha 66; America in Danger; America's Future, Inc.; American Business Consultants; American Conservative Union; American Council of Christian Laymen; American Council of Christian Churches; American Eagle Publishing Co.; American Economic Foundation; American Education Lobby; American Enterprise Institute; American Eugenics Party; American Flag Committee; American Friends of Katanga; American Friends of John Rarick; American Friends of Rhodesia; American Independent Party; American National Party; American Nazi Party; American Party; American Protestant Defense League; American Security Council; American White Nationalist Party; Americanism Educational League; Americans for America; Americans for Freedom; Americans for Katanga; Americans for the Restoration of Freedom to the Captive Nations; Anglo-Saxon Federation of America; Anti-Catholic literature; Anti-Semitism; The Augusta Courier; Back to Africa Movement; Berkeley Fascist; Birmingham Immigration Control Association; Bob Jones University; British-Israel Asso. of Greater Vancouver; Buckley for Senator; California League of Christian Parents; Campus Crusade for Christ; Canadian Intelligence Service; The Catholic Challenger; Catholic Traditionalist Movement; Catholics for Life Inc.; Christian Amendment Movement; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Book Club of America; Christian Citizens Crusade, Inc.; Christian Constitutional Education League, Inc.; Christian Crusade; Christian Educational Association; Christian Free Press List; Christian Freedom Foundation, Inc.; Christian Information Center; Christian Nationalist Crusade; Christian Research; Christian Scientists to Combat Communism in the Christian Science Movement; Church League of America; Church of Scientology; Cinema Educational Guild, Inc.; Circuit Riders, Inc.; Citizen's Intelligence Digest; Citizens Committee For a Free Cuba; Citizens Committee of Correspondence; Citizens Congressional Committee; Citizens Councils of America; Citizens for Decent Literature, Inc.; Citizens for Goldwater; Citizens Heeding Righteousness instead of Satanic Tyranny; College Republicans; Committee for Constitutional Government, Inc.; Committee for The Monroe Doctrine; Committee for the Preservation of the Constitution; Committee of 100; Committee of One Million Caucasians to March on Congress; Committee of the States; Committee Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism; Committee to Restore the Constitution; Common Sense (New Jersey); Communist Control Amendment; Communist Party, U.S.A.; Communist Propaganda; Conservative Action Committee; Conservative Book Club; Conservative Coordinating Council, University of Illinois; Conservative Digest; Conservative Party of California; Conservative Party, Kansas; Conservative Society of America; Conservative Thunder, Inc.; Constitution Study Group of North Dakota, Inc.; Constitutional Alliance, Inc.; Constitutional Educational League; Constitutional Government of the United States; Constitutional Provisional Government of the U.S.; Continental League for Christian Freedom; Council Against Communist Aggression; Council for Statehood; Counter-Spy; Crusaders for Economic Liberty; Cup of Cold Water Ministry; Davis Right to Life; Davis Students United for Life; Defenders of the American Constitution; Defenders of the Christian Faith; Defenders of the USA Republic; Defense Legion of Registered Americans, Inc.; Delaware Defenders of the Republic, Inc.; Destiny of America; Destiny of America Foundation (Berryville, Arkansas); Destiny Publishers; Extremist Politics; Facts Forum News; Faith and Freedom Foundation, Inc.; Farmers Liberty League; Federation of Republican Women Los Angeles; Fighting Homefolks of Fighting Men; First National Spirit of Freedom Crusade; For America Crusader (Grandville, MI); Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.; Free Enterprise Federation; Free Men Speak, Inc.; Freedom Center Knott's Berry Farm; Freedom Center, Portland, Ore.; Freedom House; Freedom News; Freedom School; Freedom's Voice; Friends of Free Asia, Inc.; Goldwater; Group Research Report; Guardians of our American Heritage; Gun Control; H. du B. Reports; Hawaii Foundation for American Freedoms, Inc.; Headlines, and What's Behind Them; Heads Up; Herald of Freedom; House Un-American Activities Committee; How the "Levelers" Are Destroying America (an issue of Calling our nation (Hayden Lake, Idaho, Aryan Nations-Teutonic Unity, 1984); Human Betterment Association of America; Human Events; Hungarian Freedom Fighter; IACP International Association of the Chiefs of Police; Independence Foundation, Inc.; Independent American Party; Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Inc.; Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc.; International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics; International Youth Federation for Freedom, Inc.; Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship; Iowa Libertarian Association; Is there a "Radical Right" in America?; Jewish Defense League; John Birch Society; Joseph Dilys; Keep America Committee; Ku Klux Klan; Legion for the Survival of Freedom, Inc.; Let Freedom Ring; Libertarian League; Liberty Amendment Committee of the USA; Liberty Lobby; Life Line Foundation, Inc.; Manion Forum; Maryland Petition Committee, Inc.; Michigan Committee for Economic Freedom; Minutemen; Minutewomen of the USA; Morality in Media; Mothers' Crusade for Victory Over Communism; National Alliance to Keep and Bear Arms; National Americanism Commission; National Associated Businessmen, Inc.; National Association for the Preservation of White People; National Association for the Advancement of White People; National Caucus of Labor Committees; National Christian Association; National Christian News; National Citizens Protective Association; National Committee Against Fluoridation, Inc.; National Conservative Council; National Council for American Education; National Council for the Encouragement of Patriotism, Inc.; National Defense Committee; National Eagle; National Economic Council, Inc.; National Renaissance Party; National Republican Congressional Committee; National Review; National Rifle Association of America; National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation, Inc.; National Right to Work Newsletter; National Socialist Movement; National Socialist Movement: Great Britain; National Socialist White People's Party; National Socialists White People's Party; National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; National States Rights Party; National White Americans Party; National White People's Party; New Jersey Conservative Club; New Outlook Publishers; New Party of Florida; New Patriot: Chicago; New Spirit of '76 Foundation; New Yorkers for the Constitution; Nixon for President Committee; Richard M. Nixon; Noontide Press; Occult Americana; Omni Publications; Patriot Party; Patriotic Party; Pink Sheet on the Left; Pitysmont Post; Polish Freedom Fighters in U.S.A.; Pro-American Forum; Pro-Life Students Association at UCD; Rampart College; Reason; a Review of Politics; Republican National Committee; Richmond News Leader; Right, National Journal of Forward-Looking Americanism; Rockford Citizens Committee to Warn of Communist Imports; Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism; S.O.S.!!!, U.S.A., Ship of State; Sacramento Right-to-Life Committee; San Diego Patriotic Society; Sandtown Story; Schmitz-Anderson Campaign; Scientology; The Seventh Trumpet; Social Credit Association of Canada; Sons of Liberty; South African National Party; South, The News Magazine of Dixie; Southern Libertarian Messenger; SPX Research Associates; Statecraft; States' Rights Constitution Press; Steppingstones; Stop ERA; Sun Myung Moon; Support Your Local Police Committee; Tenney Reports; Texans for America; Texas Voters for Enforcing the Constitution; The American Legion; The American Opinion Forum of Ann Arbor; The Aryan Sun - Work-Shop and Broom; The Association to Preserve Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Inc.; The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation; The Catholic Freedoms Foundation; The Center for Libertarian Studies; The Committee for Personal Freedom; The Committee of One Million; The Committee to Warn of Communist Imports; The Councilor; The Crusader; The Dan Smoot Report; The Fact Finder; The Freedom Press; The Greater Nebraskan; The Independent American; The Individualist; The John Birch Society; The National Education Program; The National Sentinel; The Nationalist Party; The Network of Patriotic Letter Writers; The New Patriot Sacramento Area; The New Right; The Northern California Republican; The Patrick Henry Group; The Phyllis Schlafly Report; The Plain Truth; The Quillon; The Review of the News; The San Diego Committee to Support Your Local Police; Showers of Blessing; The Spirit of '76 House; The Summit Sun; The Sword of the Lord; The Thunderbolt; The Truth About Cuba Committee, Inc.; The Truth Crusader; The United States Anti-Communist Congress, Inc.; The University Republican; The Voice of the Martyrs; The Wanderer; The Western Messenger; The White Horse Crusade; Through to Victory; Timber!; Truth and Liberty Magazine; Truth Seeker; U.S. Labor Party; U.S. Nationalist Party; U.S.A. Magazine; Ukrainian Congress Committee of America; United Front Against Communism; University of Alabama Conservatives Club; James B. Utt Washington Report; Voice of Americanism; Voice of Liberty Association; Voice of Truth; Wake up, America; Wallace Committee; We, The People; Western Destiny; Western Unity Movement; Western Voice; White Party of America; Williams Intelligence Summary; Winrod Letter; Wisconsin Patriot; Women Investors Research Institute; Women's Voice; World Union of National Socialists; World Youth Crusade for Freedom; Young Americans for Freedom; Young Men for America; Young Republicans; and Youth for the Voluntary Prayer Amendment.
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[0672] Contemporary Issues Pamphlet Collection, MS 81-07a
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068
Description: This collection includes representative samples of publications from many organizations, presenting diverse points of view on 20th century political and social issues. The collection contains over 10,000 pieces. Items produced by the following organizations (and many other organizations) are available in the collection: Alternatives to Abortion International, American Patriots for Freedom, John Birch Society, and Moral Majority.
See also 20th Century American Political Pamphlets [digital collection], http://cdm15942.contentdm.oclc.or
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[0673] Contemporary Political & Social Trends, Subject Files, 1837-1972, Alumni Association, Alumni Archives, Record Series Number 26/21/13
Location: University of Illinois Archives, Room 19 Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801
Description: Subject Files compiled by Stewart Howe (LAS '28) include articles, maps, sheet music and publications relating to contemporary political and social trends in the United States with emphasis on youth and political activity among other topics. Boxes 1-2, Conservative Groups and Writers, contain files on Anti-Communist Movements of 1950's, John M. Ashbrook, correspondence and articles, 1967, Cinema Educational Guild, 1968-69, Barry Goldwater, 1964, Samuel I. Hayakawa, clippings and columns, 1969-72, National Review in Combat, 1968-72, National Youth Alliance, 1971, The New Guard, 1964-67, Organizations, 1969-72, Publications, 1954-1962, Writers, 1970-72, Young Americans for Freedom, 1965-71, and VIVA. Boxes 8-9, Publications (Sample Issues), contain copies of Common Sense, Human Events, The Thunderbolt: The White Man's Viewpoint, U.S.A., and Washington Observer Newsletter.
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[0674] Archibald Stinson Coody Papers, 1910-1968, Z 1228.000
Location: Archives and Library Division, William F. Winter Archives and History Building, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 200 North Street, Jackson, MS 39201
Description: Archibald Stinson Coody, IV (1883-1969) served as Mayor of Lucedale in 1915, and was secretary of the State Tax Commission from 1918 until 1940. His correspondence concerns race problems, race relations and politics. Correspondents include Theodore G. Bilbo, James O. Eastland, John Stennis, John Bell Williams, and James K. Vardaman. Subject files on civil rights act, 1957, New Party, states' rights, the Supreme Court, and textbooks.
Websites with information:;O=D
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[0675] Archibald Stinson Coody Papers, 1912-1940, undated (bulk 1923-1940), Mss. 2446
Location: Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, Special Collections, Hill Memorial Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300
Description: Archibald Stinson Coody (1883-1969) was a secretary of the Mississippi State Tax Commission, a state agent for insurance companies, and a politician. Correspondence, speeches, and political writings relate to Coody's professional life and his interest and participation in local, state, and national politics. General correspondence (1925-1940) consists of letters from political figures, many by Mississippi Governors and U.S. Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, on topics such as Huey Long, the Ku Klux Klan, James K. Vardaman, and the political treatment of African Americans and a scheme to support the return of African Americans to Africa. Includes copies of The Kourier Magazine (Atlanta, Ga., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan), monthly publication of the Ku Klux Klan, and Biographical Sketches of James Kimble Vardaman, by A. S. Coody (Jackson, Miss., 1922).
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[0676] Fred J. Cook Papers, 1958-1967
Location: Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries, 222 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Description: Fred J. Cook (1911-2003) was an American investigative journalist and author. He wrote numerous books on political topics, including Alger Hiss, the FBI, Barry Goldwater, the Cuban Missile Crisis, organized crime, the Ku Klux Klan, and Watergate. When Cook's 1964 book Goldwater: Extremist on the Right was published, it—and Cook—were attacked by Conservative evangelist and radio broadcaster Billy James Hargis on his radio show on station WGCB, based in Red Lion, Pennsylvania. Cook sued, arguing that under the Fairness Doctrine he was entitled to free air time to respond to the attack. Papers consist of correspondence, book manuscripts, and galley proofs. Correspondence, both incoming and outgoing, relates primarily to Cook's lawsuit against Billy James Hargis and WGCB.
Websites with information:;collection=ead;sort=title;titleAlpha=FF;startDoc=61
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[0676a] Charles Maynard Cooke Papers, 1920-1964, Coll. 68005
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, 434 Galvez Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6010
Description: Charles Maynard Cooke, Jr. (1886-1970) was a United States Navy four star admiral. In the 1950s, after his retirement, Cooke was a member of the Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, the anti-Communist Committee of Endorsers of a Program to Govern Our Foreign Relations, and the Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations, and was one of the national endorsers of the anti-Khrushchev Committee for Freedom for All Peoples. The papers consist of correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, dispatches, memoranda, and photographs, relating to American naval operations in World War II, inter-Allied diplomacy in World War II, the defenses of Taiwan, and American domestic and foreign policy. The series Correspondence, 1928-1964, contains correspondence with L. Brent Bozell (Committee for the Goldwater Book); Raymond Leslie Buell; General Claire Chennault; A. K. Chesterton; Chiang Kai-shek; Madame Chiang Kai-shek (Soong May-ling); Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations; Committee to Defend America by Aiding Anti-Communist China (Mrs. Geraldine Fitch); Commonwealth Club of California; Constitution Party (California) (Mrs. Samuel G. (Lena Lee) Clark); Charles Edison; President Dwight D. Eisenhower; John M. Fisher (American Security Council); Secretary of the Navy (and Defense) James V. Forrestal; Senator Barry Goldwater; Congressman Clare E. Hoffman; Stanley K. Hornbeck; Roy Howard (Scripps-Howard Newspapers); Vice Admiral Charles Turner Joy; Congressman Walter H. Judd (Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc.; American-Asian Educational Exchange, Inc.; American Bureau for Medical Aid to China); Admiral Husband E. Kimmel; Senator William F. Knowland; Alfred and Ida Kohlberg (Alfred Kohlberg, Inc.; American China Policy Association; Citizens Foreign Relations Committee); Fulton Lewis, Jr.; Liberty Lobby; Marvin Liebman (Committee of One Million; American-Asian Educational Exchange, Inc.; American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees); William Loeb; Henry R. Luce; General Douglas MacArthur; Minute Women of the U. S. A. (Anita Phister); Admiral Ben Moreell; Vice President Richard M. Nixon; Stefan T. Possony; Admiral Arthur W. Radford; Reader's Digest; George Sokolsky; Senator John J. Sparkman; Senator Robert Taft; H. Keith Thompson; General Albert C. Wedemeyer; Robert Welch (John Birch Society); Major General C. A. Willoughby (Foreign Intelligence Digest); and Young Americans for Freedom, Bay Area Association (James Ashley). The series Subject File, ca. 1937-1961, contains files on Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc.; American-Asian Educational Exchange, Inc.; American Bureau for Medical Aid to Free China; American China Policy Association; American Coalition of Patriotic Societies; Chiang Kai-shek; Committee for Freedom for All People; Committee for the Voice of Free China; Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations; Committee to Defend America by Aiding Anti-Communist China; Communism; Constitution Party (California); John Birch Society; Alfred Kohlberg; Patriotism; Our Country, 1958; Right: A Monthly Newsletter of, by and for the American Rightwing, 1958; and Task Force, 1957.