Finding aid:
[0677] E. H. Cookridge fonds, 1905-1979, RC0033
Location: The William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections, Mills Memorial Library, Lower Level, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. W., Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L6, Canada
Description: E. H. Cookridge (born Edward Spiro) (1908-1979) was a foreign correspondent, broadcaster, and prolific author. Contains clippings on right-wing concerns, including anti-trade union and anti-socialist organizations; mercenaries; John Banks; private armies, anti-terror organizations; pacifists; Oswald Mosley; National Front; CIA Fronts; Ross McWhirter; National Front before 1975; Lewisham march (National Front, 1977); Nazis and Fascists in Britain; Welsh Nationalists; Scottish "Tartan Army"; American "Ultras": e.g. the Minutemen, Ku Klux Klan, etc.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0677a] Calvin Coolidge Collection, 1895-1933 (bulk 1895-1924), Ms. Coll. 19
Location: Special Collections Department, State Library of Massachusetts, 24 Beacon Street, State House, Room 55, Boston, MA 02133
Description: John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. (1872-1933) was the 30th President of the United States, from 1923 to 1929. This collection documents Calvin Coolidge’s work as a member of local Massachusetts government (State Representative and Mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts), as a State Senator, as Governor of Massachusetts, and as President of the United States.
Kaitlin Connolly, "Legislative Research: Archival Collections," State Library of Massachusetts Blog, February 29, 2016,
Finding aid:
[0677b] Coolidge Family Papers, 1802-1932, Doc 215
Location: Vermont Historical Society Library, 60 Washington Street, Barre, VT 05641-4209
Description: The Coolidge family papers are a collection of correspondence, financial and legal papers, and photographs of the Coolidge family of Plymouth, Vermont, 1802-1932. Series V. Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) papers, consists of Subseries A. Correspondence, 1884-1932; B. Education papers, ca. 1886-1896; C. Financial records, 1890-1932; and D. Miscellaneous.
Finding aid:
[0678] Carleton S. Coon Papers, 1925-1980
Location: National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution Museum Support Center, 4210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD 20746
Description: Carleton Stevens Coon (1904-1981) was an American physical anthropologist. Coon produced several general and sometimes quite controversial works in anthropology. With Eliot D. Chapple, he published Principles of Anthropology in 1942. Other works include The Races of Europe (1939), The Story of Man (1954), The Origin of Races (1962), and The Living Races of Man (1965). Correspondents of Carleton Coon include Robert Gayre, Carleton Putnam, and Edith Roosevelt.
Anthropological Resources: A Guide to Archival, Library, and Museum Collections, ed. Lee S. Dutton (New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1999), p. 163.
Finding aids:
[0679] Cooper Collection, 1917-1954 (bulk 1930s), MS 181
Location: Special Collections, The University Library, The University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Description: This is a miscellaneous collection of ephemeral anti-Semitic materials. Some of the items are inscribed F.T. Cooper, a cartoonist associated with the Imperial Fascist League, which issued a number of the pamphlets in the collection. Contains printed pamphlets, leaflets and ephemera, manuscripts and typescripts, and newspapers and newsletters. Includes some 117 issues (of 123 issues?) covering the period from 1st December 1933 to the (final?) issue of 15th July 1939 of the English language version of World Service, published by U. Bodung Verlag in Erfurt and edited by Colonel Ulrich Fleischhauer. Pamphlets and leaflets by Karl Bergmeister, A.K. Chesterton, Robert Edward Edmondson, L. Fry, O.B. Good, Arthur Kitson, Arnold S. Leese, J.B. Matthews, and William Dudley Pelley. Flyer for a book by Harold Sherwood Spencer. Printed letter by Judge H. W. Rogers. Radio Speech by J.H. Blackmore, M.P. Typescripts by H.R. Hoffmann.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:!/file/CooperCollection.pdf
[0680] Barry Cooper, Jodi Bruhn and John von Heyking interviews, 1995-1999, 2007C62 [sound recordings]
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Sound recordings of interviews of associates of the philosopher Eric Voegelin, relating to his life. Interviews conducted by Cooper, Bruhn and von Heyking for a planned biography.
Finding aid:
[0681] The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation and the New Democratic Party Records, 1905, 1912-1983, MG 28, IV 1
Location: Political and Public Affairs Archives Section, Manuscript Division, Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4, Canada
Description: The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) was founded in August of 1932 in Calgary at a conference which united various farm, labour and socialist groups from across the country into a federal political party. In 1956, after the birth of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), negotiations began between the CLC and the CCF to bring about an alliance between organized labour and the political left in Canada. In 1958 a joint CCF-CLC committee, the National Committee for the New Party (NCNP), was formed to create a "new" social democratic political party. The NCNP spent the next three years laying down the foundations of the 'New Party.' In 1961, at the end of a five-day long convention, the New Democratic Party was born and T.C. Douglas (1904-1986) was elected its first leader. The records contain much Social Credit and Social Credit Party material as well as material on Canadian right-wing political parties.
Ross Lambertson, "Activists in the Age of Rights: The Struggle for Human Rights in Canada - 1945-1960" (Ph.D., University of Victoria, 1998),
Finding aid:
[0682] Marcello Coppetti, bb. 244 (1960-1980)
Location: Archivio centrale dello stato, Piazzale degli Archivi 27 - 00144 Roma, Italy
Description: Marcello Coppetti (1926-2003) was an ANSA journalist. The archive is composed entirely of printed material: collections of newspapers, press clippings, flyers and magazines grouped by topic. The ACS library also houses approximately 4,000 volumes from Coppetti's library, including texts on neo-fascists.
Guida alle fonti per la storia dei movimenti in Italia (1966-1978), a cura di Marco Grispigni and Leonardo Musci (Roma: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, 2003),
[0683] Bayliss Corbett papers, 1970-1989, Coll. 09456
Location: American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, 1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071
Description: The Bayliss Corbett papers is a collection of printed material published by assorted right-wing, racist, and anti-Semitic organizations. It also contains a few advertising fliers for "Censored!" that were produced by Corbett.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0684] Bayliss Corbett papers, 1973-1988, RH WL MS 27
Location: University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, Wilcox Collection, Kansas Collection, 1450 Poplar Lane, Lawrence, KS 66045-7616
Description: These papers of writer and publisher Bayliss "Jim" Corbett (1919-1989) include letters written and received by him from 1974 to 1988, including several of Corbett's form letters and writings in support of conservatism and anti-Communism in American life and politics.
Websites with information:;sort=creator;route=ksrlead;brand=ksrlead
Finding aid:
[0684a] Andrew W. Cordier papers, 1918-1975, Ms Coll\Cordier
Location: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University, 6th Floor East Butler Library, 535 West 114th St., New York, NY 10027
Description: Andrew Wellington Cordier (1901-1975) was executive assistant to successive Secretaries-General of the United Nations from 1946 until 1961. He was Dean of the School of International Affairs, Columbia University, New York, 1962-1972, and President of the University, 1969-1970. Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, printed material, and photographs of Cordier. Series I: Cataloged Correspondence, contains files on Warren R. Austin, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Milton S. Eisenhower, Alger Hiss, Philip C. Jessup, Henry Alfred Kissinger, Alf M. Landon, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., John Davis Lodge, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry R. Luce, John J. McCloy, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, Carlos P. Romulo, John Sparkman, Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman, and Kurt Waldheim. Series II: Catalogued Manuscripts, Documents and Photographs, contains files on Philip C. Jessup and Carlos P. Romulo. Series V: The United Nations Period And Related Files. Subseries V.2: Personal Correspondence and Administrative Files of Cordier. Sub-subseries V.2.2: Personal correspondence, 1950-1962, contains files on Philip C. Jessup, Henry A. Kissinger, Henry Cabot Lodge, Nelson A . Rockefeller, and Carlos P. Romulo. Subseries V.3: United Nations Administration. Sub-subseries V.3.5: US Government --Security Investigations, UN Staff Members, contains files on O. Lattimore; US House of Representatives Com. on Un-American Activities (hearing 1949); and US Senate, McCarran Bill, 1953. Sub-subseries V.3.6: Miscellaneous UN Subjects, contains files on Ford Foundation, Foreign Policy Association, Freedom House, and Moral Re-armament. Subseries V.4: The Secretaries General. Sub-subseries V.4.3: Secretary-General Files, contains files on Dwight D. Eisenhower (SG correspondence with); Cardinal Mindszenty (legal issues) 1949; and Ezra Pound (SG letters re status 1957).
Guide to the Archives of International Organizations, Part II, compiled by Peter Walne (Paris: Unesco, 1985),
Finding aids:
[0685] Bertha V. Corets Papers, 1930-1965 (bulk 1933-1940), MS-307 [partly digital collection]
Location: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45220
Description: Bertha Vera Corets (1897-1973) was a wife, mother, businesswoman, and store-owner. Correspondence, reports, minutes, booklets, pamphlets and newsclippings pertaining to Bertha V. Corets' activities for the Anti-Nazi Boycott and as a champion of human rights. Series A. Papers. 1930-1965, contains copies of 1942-1943 issues of News from Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, Inc. Subjects include Gerald L.K. Smith and The Cross and the Flag, anti-poll tax bill, William Griffin (New York publisher indicted for sedition), Joseph P. Kamp's Constitutional Educational League, Edward James Smythe's National Council for Civil Liberties, and Clare Hoffman.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0685a] Cornell University Lecture Tape Collection, 1970-1995 [sound recordings; digital collection]
Location: Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
Description: The Cornell Lecture Tapes Collection comprises 5,650 presentations (more than 8,500 individual audio tapes) of extra-curricular academic lectures and symposia that took place on the Cornell campus from 1970 to 1995. Includes The Future of Abortion [], a debate between Phyllis Schlafly and Sarah Ragle Weddington recorded in Ithaca, NY, by Cornell University, March 14, 1989. Weddington and Shlafly debate the ethical aspects of abortion and the future of legislation on abortion in the United States. Weddington argues that abortion is a woman's legal and moral right of choice; Shlafly argues that abortion is murder and should be made illegal.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0686] Ruby Pendergrass Cornwell Papers, 1944-2003 (bulk 1950-1969), AMN 1039
Location: Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture, College of Charleston, 125 Bull Street, Charleston, SC 29424
Description: Ruby Madelene Pendergrass Cornwell (1902-2003) was an educator and civil rights activist. It was through her association with the NAACP that she developed close ties with United States District Judge Julius Waites Waring and his wife Elizabeth. Series 2. Correspondence from Judge Waites Waring and Elizabeth Waring, 1950-1967, contains letters which discuss topics including white supremacy and prejudice in the Deep South; the KKK; Southern racial attitudes resulting from segregation; opposition of "segregation profiteers"; civil rights; resistance movements to school integration; opinions on Charleston's News and Courier newspaper; Communist "witch hunts"; "gradualism"; Highlander Folk School; Governor James Byrnes' attitude regarding segregation; South Africa's segregation; possible screening for Communist infiltration of the Charleston N.A.A.C.P.; McCarthyism; the Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of Education; journalist [William] Hodding Carter [II]; the South's desegregation plan; public school desegregation; Emmett Till's murder; "communism conspiracy"; Sarah Patton Boyle's writing a book [eventually entitled The Desegregated Heart: A Virginian's Stand in Time of Transition]; book 58 Lonely Men: Southern Federal Judges and School Desegregation, by J. W. Peltason (1961), featuring Judge Waring; and news clippings regarding the objection to News and Courier editor Thomas R. Waring's receiving an honorary degree from Sewanee, the University of the South.
Directory of Manuscript Collections Related to Federal Judges, 1789-1997. Compiled by Peter A. Wonders (Federal Judicial History Office, Federal Judicial Center, 1998), p. 206,$file/judmsdir.pdf and
Finding aid:
[0686a] Correspondence Files of Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, 1931-1990s, Accession # RG-12/11/4.021
Location: Special Collections Department, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4110
Description: The Special Collections Correspondence files consist chiefly of the general correspondence files of Special Collections of the University of Virginia Library and like files of its predecessors, the Rare Book Department and the Manuscripts Department. Series I: Correspondence (General), contains files on Charles Beard, Duke of Bedford, Thomas Hart Benton, Buckley Amendment, Harry Flood Byrd, Sr., John C. Calhoun, Civil Rights Collections, Virginius Dabney, Daughters of the American Revolution, John Dos Passos, T.S. Eliot, Dr. Henry Garrett, Carter Glass, Hitler, Herbert Hoover, James Jackson Kilpatrick, Rudyard Kipling, Libertarian Party, Henry Louis Mencken, Benjamin Muse, Ezra Pound, John Powell, A. Willis Robertson, George Santayana, Sons of the American Revolution, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Ludwig Von Mises, George Wallace, and William B. Yeats.
Finding aid:
[0687] Giovanni and Amne Costigan Papers, 1818-1990 (bulk circa 1930-1990), Accession No. 4338-001
Location: Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries, Box 352900, Seattle, WA 98195-2900
Description: Giovanni Marie Denis George Costigan (1905-1990) was a history professor at the University of Washington, a staunch defender of human rights, and a leader in the peace movement. The Giovanni Costigan papers include correspondence, notes, writings, diaries, clippings, photographs, pamphlets and publications, and subject files. Subject files on Anti-Communism, Patrick Buchanan, William F. Buckley, Jr., Christian Crusade, Communism on the Map, Debate - Costigan vs. William F. Buckley (Including: Tapes Photos), Goldwater, John Birch Society, Nazis, Oliver North, Right Wing, William Rusher, Edwin A. Walker, George Wallace, White Power, and George Will.
Finding aids:
[0688] Howard Costigan Papers, 1933-1989, Coll. 4262
Location: Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries, Box 352900 Seattle, WA 98195-2900
Description: Howard Costigan (1904-1985) was a long-time political organizer, researcher, and writer. He was noted mostly for his work as co-founder and executive secretary of the Communist-dominated Washington Commonwealth Federation, and then later as a fervent anti-Communist in both Washington and California. The papers contain a copy of "A Program for American Survival, 1973-1978" by the American Conservative Union, and subject files on Council Against Communist Aggression, Sidney Hook, Richard M. Nixon, Progressive League Against Communists [and Fascists], and Ward Warren (Progressive League Against Communists and Fascists).
Finding aids:
[0689] Lawrence V. Cott Papers, 1964-1975, Coll. 11293
Location: American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, 1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071
Description: Cott was a free lance writer who wrote articles for politically conservative magazines reporting on the activities of political left-wing extremists. The magazines he wrote for included Combat, Human Events, and National Conservative Weekly (1964-1975).
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0690] William T. Couch Papers, 1926-1988, Coll. 03825
Location: Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, 4th Floor, Wilson Library CB# 3926, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-8890
Description: William Terry Couch (1901-1988) had a long publishing career at university presses and encyclopedia companies. From Couch's later years, there are letters from conservative thinkers such as William F. Buckley and Russell Kirk and writings by Couch about his anti-Communist sentiments. In letters to Henry E. Garrett and to J. J. Kilpatrick, Couch also expressed his support for segregation and his unhappiness with liberal propaganda. Among the other correspondents are Kenneth Colegrove, David S. Collier (the editor of Modern Age: A Quarterly Review), Willmoore Kendall, Henry Regnery, Richard M. Weaver, and Robert H. W. Welch, Jr. Series 5. Center for American Studies, 1963-1964, contains files on David Hoggan and R. J. Rushdoony.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:,William_T.html
[0691] Father Coughlin Broadcasts, 1937-1940, 1978 [sound recordings; digital collection]
Description: Titles include "A Living Wage Pt 1," "A Living Wage Pt 2," "An Appeal to the Laboring Man," "Bonds and Neutrality," "Bonds Federal Reserve Bank," "Cash and Carry Will Evolve into Credit and Carry," "Concerns to the Christian Family," "Czechoslovakia Problem Is in America," "Declaration and Washington Farewell," "Discussing a Christian Front," "Easter Broadcast," "FDR Message to Congress," "Feast of Christmas," "Government by Man," "History of Holy Week," "I Take My Stand," "Jews Support Communism," "More Bonds," "Mother's Challenge to Warmongers," "Nation Wide Anti War Context," "No Father Coughlin Announcements," "No Prosperity in Machinegunning Our Brothers in Christ," "The Popular Front," "Popular Front vs Christian Front," "Primer on Communism vs Christianity," "Propaganda at Work" (Sunday, May 7, 1939; text online at], "Recap of Previous Week," "Relief That Fails to Relieve," "Response to Elliott Roosevelt," "The Resurrection," "Review of past 10 Years," "So this Is Democracy," "Start of Flower," "Still Paying for WW1," "Strict Neutrality and No Cash and Carry," "To the Laboring Men" (Sunday, August 13, 1939; text online at], "Unjust Aggressors," and "Where Do We Stand."
Finding aids:
[0692] Father Charles Edward Coughlin Collection, MS25
Location: Manuscripts and Archives, McCormick Library, Northwestern University Library, 1970 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208-2300
Description: The Father Coughlin Collection consists of materials collected by Sheldon Marcus, Coughlin's biographer. It contains Marcus's typescript, interviews with people who knew Coughlin, a tape of one of his broadcasts, and the topical files Marcus created for writing his biography. Correspondence files from people who knew Coughlin are also included.
Michael R. Beschloss, Kennedy and Roosevelt: The Uneasy Alliance (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1980)Ronald H. Carpenter, Father Charles E. Coughlin: Surrogate Spokesman for the Disaffected (Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood Press, 1998); Victoria Marie Harwood, "Reexamining a National Disaster: The Local Charles E. Coughlin and the Community's Response" (M.A., Bowling Green State University, 2016),!etd.send_file?accession=bgsu1460070904&disposition=inline.