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The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future
The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future
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The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future

Cognitive science are the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes[234 - Cognitive science Когнитивная наука и интеллектуальные технологии: Реф. сб. АН СССР. – М.: Ин-т науч. информ. по обществ. наукам, 1991. (date of request: 04.02.2022)].

Collaboration platform – the concept behind the collaboration platforms is adopted from the 3C collaboration model developed by Borghoff and Schlichter that describes «Cooperation, Communication and Coordination as the main challenges for the members in a collaborative group» (Borghoff & Schlichter, 2000). Cooperation is the joint work production and completion of tasks, supported by tools such as joint document storage and repositories, wikis and notes keeping systems. Communication includes efficient exchange of information and negotiation of commitments via emails, instant messaging, discussion lists, and video- or phone conferences. Coordination enables people, activities and resources to be managed, leading to better communication and cooperation (e.g. staff and project management tools, scheduling tools, and the like). These tools will be adopted to ensure functional collaboration. The objectives of each collaboration platform are to identify relevant stakeholders and initiatives, engage with them to analyze key challenges and solutions related to each DTHC priority, elaborate common strategic agendas and commitments for action[235 - Collaboration platform – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Collaborative robots are a type of machine that, unlike traditional ones, can work alongside humans without any safety risk. They perform numerous functions and are very adaptable, changing activity or working capacity according to the demand of the moment[236 - Collaborative robots – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 25.02.2023)].

Column in a data file, a single vertical column, each being one byte in length. Fixed format data files are traditionally described as being arranged in lines and columns. In a fixed format file, column locations describe the locations of variables[237 - Column – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Column location – the precise location in a data file of a variable expressed in column numbers, beginning with the first column in a physical record as column number 1[238 - Column location – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Commoditization is the process of transforming a product from an elite to a generally available (comparatively cheap commodity of mass consumption)[239 - Коммодитизация – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 07.07.2022)].

Common Services – the supporting services such as inter-process communication, name services, temporary storage allocation, exception handling, security, and directory services necessary to support[240 - Common Services sr – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Communication – enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market; empowering citizens and building a healthier society[241 - Communication – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Communication Platforms is digital media that are used as means of communication. In marketing, they provide information and awareness about a specific product or brand[242 - Communication Platforms – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Competence an approach that for achievement of high results an employee must demonstrate labor behavior, which is possible if certain individually-psychological qualities or their complementary sets, which in this case is not crucial, because the assignment of an employee to the success or lack of success made only on demonstrated behavior. It is related to employment concept that says the professionalism on the sphere, in which the worker is competent. It is relative to the individual concept, which says about aspects of the behavior necessary for competent performance[243 - Competence – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Competence is an approach that for achievement of high results an employee must demonstrate labor behavior, which is possible if certain individually-psychological qualities or their complementary sets, which in this case is not crucial, because the assignment of an employee to the success or lack of success made only on demonstrated behavior. It is related to employment concept that says the professionalism on the sphere, in which the worker is competent. It is relative to the individual concept, which says about aspects of the behavior necessary for competent performance[244 - Competence – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 07.07.2022)].

Competitiveness of the state – the formation of obvious advantages in relation to other states in the scientific and technological field and, as a result, in the social, cultural, educational and economic fields.

Compiler is a program that translates text written in a programming language into a set of machine codes. AI framework compilers collect the computational data of the frameworks and try to optimize the code of each of them, regardless of the hardware of the accelerator. The compiler contains programs and blocks with which the framework performs several tasks. The computer memory resource allocator, for example, allocates power individually for each accelerator.

Compliance is a discipline, set of practices, and/or organizational group that deals with adhering to laws, regulations, standards, and contractual arrangements. Also, the adherence to requirements. Data Governance programs often support many types of compliance requirements: Regulatory compliance, contractual compliance, adherence to internal standards, policies, and architectures, and conformance to rules for data management, project management, and other disciplines[245 - Compliance – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Components of the information and telecommunications infrastructure – software and hardware complexes and tools shared by information systems that perform common technological functions and provide the basis for the operation of these information systems, including those that ensure their information and technological interaction.

Composable Business refers to the design, implementation and development of an enterprise’s digital infrastructure using business-level components (PCBs) that can be replaced according to market needs in a more flexible way than those based on a traditional monolithic architecture. The adoption of a composable business approach is usually aimed at gaining competitive advantage, resilience and adaptability[246 - Composable Business – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Composable Commerce is an approach that selects the best software components and combines them into a customized application, offering functionality familiar from e-commerce. Composable commerce is therefore a set of e-commerce services built according to the principles of composable commerce[247 - Composable Commerce – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Composite AI is the combined application of various AI techniques to improve learning efficiency, expand the level of knowledge representation and, ultimately, to more effectively solve a wider range of business problems.

Compression is a method of reducing the size of computer files. There are several compression programs available, such as gzip and WinZip[248 - Compression – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Compression ratio or reduction ratio – the ratio that is used to discuss the quantity of original data versus the quantity of data after compression[249 - Compression ratio – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Computation is any type of arithmetic or non-arithmetic calculation that follows a well-defined model (e.g., an algorithm)[250 - Computation – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 07.07.2022)].

Computational creativity (Also artificial creativity, mechanical creativity, creative computing) is a multidisciplinary endeavor that includes the fields of artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, philosophy, and the arts[251 - Computational creativity – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 14.02.2022)].

Computational cybernetics is the integration of cybernetics and computational intelligence techniques.

Computational efficiency of an agent or a trained model is the amount of computational resources required by an agent to solve a problem at the inference stage (data output from the model).

Computational efficiency of an intelligent system is the amount of computing resources required to train an intelligent system with a certain level of performance on a given volume of tasks.

Computational humor — a branch of computational linguistics and artificial intelligence which uses computers in humor research.

Computational intelligence (CI) — usually refers to the ability of a computer to learn a specific task from data or experimental observation.

Computational mathematics is the mathematical research in areas of science where computing plays an essential role.

Computational neuroscience (Also theoretical neuroscience or mathematical neuroscience) – a branch of neuroscience which employs mathematical models, theoretical analysis and abstractions of the brain to understand the principles that govern the development, structure, physiology, and cognitive abilities of the nervous system.

Compute modules – plug-in specialized computers designed to solve narrowly focused tasks, such as accelerating the work of artificial neural networks algorithms, computer vision, voice recognition, machine learning and other artificial intelligence methods, built on the basis of a neural processor – a specialized class of microprocessors and coprocessors (CPU, memory, data transfer).

Compute Units are blocks that act as a filter that transforms packets according to certain rules. The instruction set of the calculator can be limited, which guarantees a simple internal structure and a sufficiently high speed of operation.

Computer assisted coding system (CACS) is medical software that reviews healthcare forms, including electronic health records, and assigns appropriate medical codes to its findings[252 - Computer assisted coding system (cacs) – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Computer attack – a targeted impact of software and (or) software and hardware on critical information infrastructure objects, telecommunication networks used to organize the interaction of such objects, in order to disrupt and (or) stop their functioning and (or) create a threat to the security processed by such object’s information.

Computer engineering is technologies for digital modeling and design of objects and production processes throughout the life cycle.

Computer incident is a fact of violation and (or) cessation of the operation of a critical information infrastructure object, a telecommunication network used to organize the interaction of such objects, and (or) a violation of the security of information processed by such an object, including as a result of a computer attack.

Computer Network is a collection of interconnected endpoints in a many-to-many arrangement[253 - Computer Network – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 25.02.2023)].

Computer programming is the process of performing a particular computation (or more generally, accomplishing a specific computing result), usually by designing and building an executable computer program. Programming involves tasks such as analysis, generating algorithms, profiling algorithms’ accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms (usually in a chosen programming language, commonly referred to as coding). The source code of a program is written in one or more languages that are intelligible to programmers, rather than machine code, which is directly executed by the central processing unit. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task (which can be as complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for solving a given problem. Proficient programming thus usually requires expertise in several different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms, and formal logic. Tasks accompanying and related to programming include testing, debugging, source code maintenance, implementation of build systems, and management of derived artifacts, such as the machine code of computer programs. These might be considered part of the programming process, but often the term software development is used for this larger process with the term programming, implementation, or coding reserved for the actual writing of code. Software engineering combines engineering techniques with software development practices[254 - Computer programming – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Computer science is the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers. She involves the study of algorithms that process, store, and communicate digital information. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems. Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to practical disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software). Computer science is generally considered an area of academic research and distinct from computer programming.

Computer simulation is the process of mathematical modelling, performed on a computer, which is designed to predict the behavior of, or the outcome of, a real-world or physical system. The reliability of some mathematical models can be determined by comparing their results to the real-world outcomes they aim to predict. Computer simulations have become a useful tool for the mathematical modeling of many natural systems in physics (computational physics), astrophysics, climatology, chemistry, biology and manufacturing, as well as human systems in economics, psychology, social science, health care and engineering[255 - Computer simulation. – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 07.07.2022)].

Computer vision (CV) is scientific discipline, field of technology and the direction of artificial intelligence (AI), which deals with computer processing, recognition, analysis and classification of dynamic images of reality. It is widely used in video surveillance systems, in robotics and in modern industry to improve product quality and production efficiency, comply with legal requirements, etc. In computer vision, the following areas are distinguished: face recognition (face recognition), image recognition (image recognition), augmented reality (augmented reality (AR) and optical character recognition (OCR). Synonyms – artificial vision, machine vision.

Computer vision processing (CVP) is the processing of images (signals) in a computer vision system, in computer vision systems – about algorithms (computer vision processing algorithms), processors (computer vision processing unit, CVPU), convolutional neural networks (convolutional neural network), which are used for image processing and implementation of visual functions in robotics, real-time systems, smart video surveillance systems, etc.

Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) /Personal Interviewing (CAPI) is a method of coding information from telephone or personal interviews directly into a computer during the interview. CATI/CAPI software usually has built-in consistency checks, will not allow wild codes to be entered, and automatically prompts the interviewer for correct skip pattern questions[256 - Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Software is CMMS software, which can be either cloud-based or on-premise, is designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance activities, such as planning, scheduling, and monitoring of work orders and maintenance needs. A CMMS can also serve as a centralized location for industrial data[257 - Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Software – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 25.02.2023)].

Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) also known as computerized provider order entry or computerized practitioner order entry, refers to the process of a medical professional entering and sending medication orders and treatment instructions electronically via a computer application instead of on paper charts[258 - Computerized physician order entry (cpoe) – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Computing modules are plug-in specialized computers designed to solve narrowly focused tasks, such as accelerating the work of artificial neural networks algorithms, computer vision, voice recognition, machine learning and other artificial intelligence methods, built on the basis of a neural processor – a specialized class of microprocessors and coprocessors (processor, memory, data transfer).

Computing system — a software and hardware complex or several interconnected complexes that form a single infrastructure designed to solve problems and process data (including computing).

Computing units are blocks that work like a filter that transforms packets according to certain rules. The instruction set of the calculator can be limited, which guarantees a simple internal structure and a sufficiently high speed of operation.

Condition Monitoring (CM) – the process of monitoring various conditions associated with machine health, including vibration and temperature. Condition monitoring lets maintenance teams quickly identify when conditions exceed set thresholds for normal operation and resolve issues before failure occurs[259 - Condition Monitoring (CM) – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 25.02.2023)].

Confidentiality ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access[260 - Confidentiality – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Confidentiality of information is a mandatory requirement for a person who has access to certain information not to transfer such information to third parties without the consent of its owner.