В работе рассматривается техника ходьбы на лыжах, объясняется значение укрепления организма студента с помощью общеразвивающих и специальных упражнений: без предметов, с предметами и на тренажерах, подобранных для повышения физической подготовленности студентов всех специальностей. Подробно рассматриваются функции мышечной системы, исключение травм посредством устранения анатомического дисбаланса,…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
Всем, кто хочет стать стройной к летнему сезону! Всем, кто не находит время для занятий спортом! Всем, кто боится жестких диет и голодания! Специально для вас «Комсомольская правда» выпускает книгу «Правила быстрого похудения» от ведущих врачей и экспертов. Худеем без вреда для здоровья и безумных затрат. В книге вы найдете:
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
Following on from the hugely successful Best After-Dinner Sports Tales, yet more rousing stories from the after-dinner speaking circuit, from some of the biggest names in sport as well as celebrities from the world of entertainment.The book will take a look at the cricket world, with stories from Australia, West Indies, South Africa, New Zealand and the sub-continent, and go on to cover many other…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
**AWARDED A MUMSNET BEST BADGE 2016**Whether you’ve just had a baby or you’re about to welcome your new little bundle into the world, you probably have a LOT of questions …I know I did! And I also know from first-hand experience with my three babies that one-size-fits all parenting doesn’t work. So this book is to help you find out what will work for you and your baby. I’ve included all the inform…
Если вы хотите в максимально короткие сроки избавиться от второго подбородка, то эта книга для вас. Международный тренер по фейсфитнесу, реабилитолог, дипломированный остеопат Алена Россошинская поможет вам бережно, не травмируя кожу, не меняя привычного образа жизни и не используя диеты убрать ненавистный второй подбородок. Результат гарантирован после первого занятия: комплекс упражнений занимае…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
Что такое протеин? Действительно ли помогают протеиновые добавки или это происки маркетологов? Протеин вреден или полезен? Химия или натуральные продукты? Чем отличаются протеиновые коктейли от молочных? Всё, что необходимо знать о протеиновых добавках! Администрация сайта ЛитРес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консульта…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have to kiss in order to burn off a bottle of beer? Or how long would you have to argue with someone to burn off a Mars bar?From playing ping-pong to having sex (at different levels of intensity!), this little guide contains over 100 activities and their calorie-b…