Easy-to-grasp techniques for improving the short game About 70 percent of the shots in a round of golf are taken 75 yards from the pin or closer, making the short game the most significant factor in a golfer's score. This practical guide shows readers how to shave strokes off their game by improving their pitching, chipping, bunker play, and putting. Golfers will find expert tips on choosing the r…
Книга посвящена династии Шустиковых, отдавших свои лучшие годы любимому клубу – «Торпедо». Виктор Шустиков играл в те незабвенные времена, когда команда действительно была словно одним из цехов завода ЗИЛ, под патронажем которого она находилась. Его сын Сергей продолжил дело отца, унаследовав «шустиковский», как говорили болельщики, яркий талант футболиста. И оба они верой и правдой служили своей …
The easy way to take charge of your adrenal health Despite their small size, the adrenal glands play an important role in the body, producing numerous hormones that impact our development and growth, affect our ability to deal with stress, and help to regulate kidney function. In Adrenal Fatigue For Dummies, you'll find clear self-evaluations and treatment guidelines that will empower you to take …
"Don't waste time contemplating whether or not this program could work for you. Trust me – it will work! Take this from someone who has struggled for the last 10 years and finally lost the weight. If I knew I could lose weight so easily and quickly I would have tried NutriSystem sooner!" -Zora Andrich, reality TV star lost 20 lbs. in two months (results not typical) The highly anticipated companio…
Accessible information on the causes, health risks, and treatment of prediabetes If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with prediabetes – a heightened level of glucose, and/or impaired glucose tolerance – the time to act is now. Prediabetes For Dummies examines the signs and symptoms of this potential precursor to diabetes and offers up-to-date information about treatment. It provides clea…
Whether you have been living with type 1 diabetes for some time, or you have just discovered that your child is diabetic, there’s a lot you need to know about the new developments in treating, controlling, and living with this disease. Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies, explains everything you need to know and do to make living with type 1 diabetes easier and healthier. This reassuring, plain-English gu…
Мы всю жизнь проводим в сопровождении танца. Учимся, выступаем, снимаем клипы, посещаем мастер-классы и обучаем. Однако не всех учат искусству преподавания танцев. Данная книга — это пособие для начинающих хореографов с полезными советами, танцевальными фишками и профессиональными рекомендациями. Я делюсь опытом своей работы, чтобы вам на пути было немного проще. Пусть моя книга станет для вас отп…
Sooth away stress, banish pain, and share the language of touch with the healing powers of massage What reduces pain, enhances athletic performance, job efficiency, improves the circulation, raises immune efficiency, promotes the healing of tissues, increases the functioning of the skin, enhances focus and emotional balance, and improves appearance? Right, massage! So what are you waiting for? Dis…
Don't be held hostage by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – with the right diet and effective exercise, you can minimise its impact on your day-to-day life and future wellbeing. Packed with realistic advice from a qualified nutritionist, this guide takes you through everything from picking which treatments to try – and which to avoid – to thriving with PCOS superfoods and finding resources and support to…
Lacrosse For Dummies is the ultimate guide for fans and players of this rapidly growing sport alike. The book offers everything the beginning player needs to know, from the necessary equipment to the basic rules of the game, with explanations of the women's game and the indoor game, too. It also offers a wealth of information for the experienced player, including winning offensive and defensive st…
The way to a full-body workout with amazing results by mastering kettlebells Have you heard the buzz about the all-in-one strength and cardio workout that works every muscle in the body at once? There's a reason why professional athletes and A-list celebrities are joining the Kettlebells revolution-and now you can, too! With numerous step-by-step photos throughout, Kettlebells For Dummies gives yo…
Most of us have headaches at some time or other. But some people find that headaches are ruining their life. Dr Mark Forshaw is a chartered health psychologist. He shows you how your mind can influence bodily processes, making your headaches better or worse. Understanding Headaches and Migraines provides clear and practical information on all types of headache and migraine, and the sources of help…
Эта книга для всех любителей футбола. 3-й том завершает историю футбола, футбольных клубов и футбольных регионов в период СССР. Основа книги – табличный материал всех футбольных клубов, принявших участие в чемпионате СССР с 1936 по 1991 год.
Make fishing easier and more rewarding every time you pick up your rod and reel No one can promise that you will catch fish all the time. For as long as we've been catching fish, fish have been outsmarting us. But there are tips and pointers that even the most seasoned anglers can pick up! Fishing For Dummies helps you prepare for what awaits beyond the shore. From trout to carp and bass to bonefi…
В последнее время занятие спортом стало не только способом поддержания здоровья, но и модным трендом – фитнесом начинают заниматься даже те, кто раньше всеми силами избегал физических нагрузок. Фитнес становится неотъемлемой частью нашего существования, да и пропаганда здорового образа жизни приносит несомненную пользу. Но наверняка каждый знает множество историй друзей и родственников, которые «с…