The must-have guide to honestly and sensitively answering your clients' questions Written to help therapists view their clients' questions as collaborative elements of clinical work, What Do I Say? explores the questions—some direct, others unspoken—that all therapists, at one time or another, will encounter from clients. Authors and practicing therapists Linda Edelstein and Charles Waehler take a…
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships presents original articles from leading experts that link research, policy, and practice together to reflect the most current knowledge of contemporary relationships. Offers interesting new perspectives on a range of relationship issues facing twenty-first century Western society Helps those who work with couples and families facing …
In this book, experts in the field discuss how spiritual and religious issues can be successfully integrated into counseling in a manner that is respectful of client beliefs and practices. Designed as an introductory text for counselors-in-training and clinicians, it describes the knowledge base and skills necessary to effectively engage clients in an exploration of their spiritual and religious l…
An invitation to observe and achieve transformative breakthroughs in the therapeutic experience Creative Breakthroughs in Therapy: Tales of Transformation and Astonishment brings together nineteen of the world's most prominent and creative therapists and researchers, taking professionals inside each contributor's creative innovations in theory and technique. Designed for all therapists who wish to…
Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year 2011 (Category: Maternal And Child Health) Building on children's natural inclinations to pretend and reenact, play therapy is widely used in the treatment of psychological problems in childhood. This book is the only one of its kind with more than 200 therapeutic activities specifically designed for working with children and teenagers wit…
Do you make evidence-based decisions when designing and conducting evaluations, and use methods validated by experience? Because of the growing importance of evidence-based decision-making for improving programs and policies, this issue examines methods selection: Which is better? How can one be improved? Are the results of the project worth the resources expended? and how that leads to confidence…
Therapist and Client: A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy provides a guide to the fundamental interpersonal elements of the therapeutic relationship that make it the most effective factor in therapy. Presents the fundamental interpersonal elements that make the therapeutic relationship the most effective factor in psychotherapy Explores and integrates a range of approaches from various schools,…
Do you often feel you can’t say no?Are you spread too thin between your relationships and your responsibilities? Is there never time to do the things that really matter to you?There is a solution to this very modern chaos: boundaries. It’s undeniable that setting clear boundaries in our relationships and families, our home and our workplace would improve life for everyone in this fast-moving world…
Do you often feel you can’t say no?Are you spread too thin between your relationships and your responsibilities? Is there never time to do the things that really matter to you?There is a solution to this very modern chaos: boundaries. It’s undeniable that setting clear boundaries in our relationships and families, our home and our workplace would improve life for everyone in this fast-moving world…
Do you often feel you can’t say no?Are you spread too thin between your relationships and your responsibilities? Is there never time to do the things that really matter to you?There is a solution to this very modern chaos: boundaries. It’s undeniable that setting clear boundaries in our relationships and families, our home and our workplace would improve life for everyone in this fast-moving world…
Do you often feel you can’t say no?Are you spread too thin between your relationships and your responsibilities? Is there never time to do the things that really matter to you?There is a solution to this very modern chaos: boundaries. It’s undeniable that setting clear boundaries in our relationships and families, our home and our workplace would improve life for everyone in this fast-moving world…
Когда мир вокруг кажется не самым уютным местом, каждый находит свой способ отвлечься от тревог и расслабиться: медитация, рисование, прогулки, готовка, вышивание, уход за цветами. Любое из этих занятий может быть в той или иной степени близко каждому из нас, однако контакт с природой важен для всех. Психиатр и садовод Сью Стюарт-Смит долгие годы изучала влияние растений на наше психологическое со…
В своей знаковой работе «Тотем и табу» Зигмунд Фрейд на основе трудов виднейших антропологов, этнологов и психологов своего времени, с помощью методологии психоанализа сделал попытку проследить истоки наших страхов, комплексов и морально этических норм, сопоставляя обычаи первобытных племен и социально-нравственные запреты цивилизованного общества. В более поздней статье, «Будущее одной иллюзии», …
Что общего у войны и домашнего насилия? Как оказалось, психические последствия для жертв. Джудит Герман, психиатр из Гарварда, написала книгу-исследование о психотравме, ставшую мастридом для психотерапевтов и всех, кто столкнулся с насилием. Послушайте краткую версию издания и узнайте, как обрести покой после пережитой травмы, что происходит с психикой жертвы и какие шаги необходимо пройти к исце…
Что общего у войны и домашнего насилия? Как оказалось, психические последствия для жертв. Джудит Герман, психиатр из Гарварда, написала книгу-исследование о психотравме, ставшую мастридом для психотерапевтов и всех, кто столкнулся с насилием. Послушайте краткую версию издания и узнайте, как обрести покой после пережитой травмы, что происходит с психикой жертвы и какие шаги необходимо пройти к исце…